「Betty Gordon at Mountain Camp【電子書籍】[ Alice B. Emerson ]」の商品詳細:アウトドア関連書籍の通販ならキャンプ用品.com


Betty Gordon at Mountain Camp【電子書籍】[ Alice B. Emerson ]
価格:133円 レビュー件数:件 レビュー平均:点


<p>"This doesn't look like the street I came up through!" exclaimed Betty Gordon. "These funny streets, with their dear old?fashioned houses, all seem, so much alike! And if there are any names stuck up at the corners they must hide around behind the post when I come by like squirrels in the woods.</p> <p>"I declare, there is a queer little shop stuck right in there between two of those refined?looking, if poverty?stricken, boarding?houses. Dear me! how many come?down?in?the?world families have to take 'paying guests' to help out. Not like the Peabodys, but really needy people. What is it Bobby calls 'em? 'P.G.s'ー'paying guests.'</p> <p>"I was a paying guest at Bramble Farm," ruminated Betty, still staring at the little shop and the houses that flanked it on either side. "And I certainly had a hard time there. Bobby says that these people in Georgetown are the remains of Southern aristocracy that were cast up on this beach as long ago as the Civil War. Unlike the castaways on cannibal islands that we read about, Bobby says these castaways live off the 'P.G.s'ーand that's what Joseph Peabody tried to do! He tried to live off me. There! I knew he was a cannibal.</p> <p>"Oh! Isn't that sweet?"</p> <p>Her sudden cry had no reference to the army of boarding?house keepers in the neighborhood, nor to any signpost that pointed the way back to the little square where the soldiers' monument stood and where Betty was to meet Carter, the Littells' chauffeur, and the big limousine. For she was still staring at the window of the little shop.</p> <p>"What a lovely orange color! And that starburst pattern on the front! It's lovely! What a surprising thing to see in a little neighborhood store like this. I'm going to buy it if it fits me and I've money enough left in my purse."</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。

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